Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Election

Alright, we all know that I haven't made the best choices with BFFs. I mean, I decided to be BFFs with Randy, and we all know how well THAT went. (The guy stalked me and then he stole a time travel remote and is currently trying to stalk every person in existence, except me and Axel and Rosa cuz WE have time travel remotes TOO!
Speaking of which, we recently teleported (to escape and angry mob of doctors and journalists) to some random place, and now, we're trying to figure out where we are.
"Oh my God. The white house!" Axel gasped. He looked at his watch. "There is approximately one hour before President John Kerry is elected and Bush is outta the white house!"
"Hunh?" I asked.
"Well, waaaay back in 2004, oh gosh, almost... two hundred years ago," Axel began, "we had a president named George W. Bush and he messed EVERYTHING up. I mean EVERYTHING. Luckily, in 2004, things went back to the way they were supposed to be and John Kerry was elected. That's why our country isn't as messed up as it could be."
"Unh," I acknowledged. "Sweden's pretty not messed up!"
"No, no, Birger. The U.S.A," Axel explained.
"What a dumb name," I agreed.
Axel shook his head and sighed. "Oh well... hey, you know what? I know a hack that shows you voters' votes! Do you want to see?"
"I honestly couldn't care less," I replied, waiting for him to drag us to some stupid computer.
Which he did. He brought us to a computer and Rosa examined her manicure while I drooled on Axel's shoulder.
"God, Birger! You're like a dog!" Axel groaned. "You have to feed it and clean it and it still makes big messes everywhere no matter how hard you ask it not to!"
"I wanted a dog once," I remembered. "But Mommy said no."
Rosa looked up. "Axel, can we do something else? This doesn't affect me and honestly, I don't really care about it... let's go to Paris," she said. "To look for Randy stalking some Parisian," she added, seeing Axel's look.
"No, this is cool," he assured. "Look, there's only five minutes until Kerry wins the election. See? He's winning by a landslide."
"I just see a whole bunch of squiggly lines," I said.
"Birger, those are called numbers," Axel said. He looked confused. "I thought you said you could read at your sister's wedding."
"I said I could read LETTERS not NUMBERS," I corrected him.
Axel shook his head.
"I'm hungry," Rosa said.
"There's a snack machine down the hall," Axel sighed. "I'll show you."
They left and I looked at it. "Ooooh," I said as the arrow moved around. It scrolled over the letter bush but my finger slipped and I accidently clicked the letters B-U-S-H.
"Oopsie," I said. I tiptoed away but it was too late. Axel ran in and the screen said: "George W. Bush has won the election!"
"BIRGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you make one of your biggest mistakes EVER in five minutes?!?!" Axel roared. "You're an IDIOT!!!!"
I started crying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so that is how bush is our pesident. on and sof that had to be your shortest story ever. did you just do that because you were bored. plese write another one soon.