Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Chocolate Factory (pt.2)

"Hello, fellow eempa leempa! Would you give me a hand with this flour?" the short dude with the orange face asked me.
"Um... okaaaay," I said. I started picking up bags of flour and putting them in a cart."
"Say, you're very good at that! Have you practiced before?" the eempa leempa asked me.
"Well... I mean there's not really much to it. All you do is pick up the bag and put it in the cart," I said awkwardly.
"Gasp!" the eempa leempa gasped. "There is so much to bag-putting of into the cart! An eempa leempa's job is never easy! OH, eempa-leeeempas!" he cried.
They started singing. GREEAAAT.
"Oh, eempa-leempas are we. Lalalalalala. We like to sing. We lived in trees. Lalalalalalala! But then Billy Bonka (being the bonkers guy he is) let us live in his factory as his slaves. Oh, gee whiz!" The continued to sing and Axel and Rosa looked at me.
"Is EVERY problem in the world your fault?" they asked me.
"... Yes," I said.
"Well, STOP! We have to act normal. The children will arrive soon."
"Oh goodness, have we been singing for ten minutes now? The children have arrived!" an eempa leempa noticed. "Hurry! We must act jolly and illiterate so that Mr. Bonka won't feel inadequate! Come now, let us all be on our way!"
"Alright, now station yourselves near the children. Now, when I signal, move the children quickly. Do. Not. Hurt. The. Children. Just... move them. Like, lead them a different way. Like you're giving a tour. Okay? Then Randy will pop out, Rosa and I will snatch him, and we can be on our way. Can you do that, Birger?" Axel asked.
"Duh! I'm not stupid," I replied.
"That statement is up for debate, but let's move on!" Rosa said.
We entered the room and we saw this kooky looking old guy in a stupid, pink suit along with a bunch of snotty kids. Well, there were two that looked maybe bearable, but the others... yick. I didn't want to be in the same room as them.
Then again, the way they looked at me, they probably shared this opinion.
"Okily dokily, chilren, it's time to go to the chocolate river!" Billy said.
"Yaaay!" the children droned.
The children and Billy and I trooped out to this great big room that looked like something I had only dreamed about... everything was food.
"Mmmmm..." I said. "Chocolatey thing..." I scooped up some mud and stuck it in my mouth.
"Birger!" Rosa hissed. "This is no time for eating... go... move the fat kid that's sucking up all the chocolate in the river."
"Okay!" I said. I waddled over to the kid and thought.
"Hey kid!" I said.
"Leaf me alone! Can't you see I'm guzzlink down some chocolate!" he said in a German accent.
"You talk funny!" I laughed. Then I pushed him into the river.
"Birger!" Axel shouted. "What did you do?! We SAID NOT TO HURT THE KIDS!!!"
"My poor baby boy!" a big woman said. "He can't schvim!"
I looked around for Randy. "Nope," I said, and I waddled away before anyone noticed I had been there.
Next we were at this gum making machine. I saw this little girl looking bored. I took one of the sticks of gum and held it out. "Hey, kid! Want some gum?" I asked.
"Oooh! Gum!" she said.
I led her away from the area and looked around for Randy. He was nowhere to be seen.
"Ah, never mind, take the stupid gum," I said.
She took it and started to chew. I walked away dissapointedly and I heard shouts: "Oh my goodness! My beautiful daughter is turning blue! And she's getting huge!"
Hrmmm... I wonder what that could mean...
"Birger!" Rosa whispered. "What did you DO?! That girl turned into a giant blueberry!"
"Weird... I just gave her some gum..." I said.
"Just... maybe I should do your part. Let's trade parts..." Axel said.
"No!" I shouted. "I want to do this! This is my job! And I'm good at it!"
"That's debatable, but fine. Just don't mess anything else up!"
"You can count on me!" I said.
They looked at each other nervously and nodded. "Just... go," Axel said.
I headed over and saw the other children looking at some squirrels.
"Hey kid!" I said. "There's some treasure in the trash hole... go to the trash hole!"
Would you believe that idiot! The snotty looking girl stepped into the place and I looked around for Randy. He was nowhere to be seen.
"Oh well," I said, walking away.
I heard shouts: "My darling! She's being devoured by squirrels! Oh, GOD! She's fallen in the trash hole! Help! HELP!"
So in the next few minutes I had shrunk this weird little kid named Ben and paid Billy Bonka to take that Charlie kid in the other room and give him a whole bunch of chocolate. And by using the process of elimination, I realized it must be that Roald Dahl kid.
Unfortunately, that took me a little while to figure out, and so... Randy got away.
And lemme tell you, Axel and Rosa were ticked.

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